Sleepless night

A sleepless night with only horrible dreams. Chasing around my thoughts and worries I found myself crying in my dream trying to get away from what could be the truth.
  When I dream they sometimes happen. When I day dream they do happen. I can feel it that it's hard to explain. So, a sleepless night as they baby moved around. I kept telling myself it's going to be okay. Take a breath, it's nothing you can't get over. I pray until I fell asleep. Still, moving around to left and right my dreams only took me on a wild goose chase.

  That being said, I didn't sleep as good as I have wish. Today is going to be long as my job have a sale in the store. I wish I could be mentaly ready for it but worriness comes over me. The BD, no response as my oldest child looked at me yestereday with his eyes watery. All he wants to do is talk t daddy. I can't understand how he feels as a kid because I have my dad but as a mother I feel his pain becuase he is hurting so I'm going to hurt.
   I hope and pray today that he does call his son. I believe he needs him. He is getting older so you know what that means.

  Today will be busy but I hope all goes well today. Pray for me...: )


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