Today is Saturday which I'm not suppose to work on this day but I did. Let's go back, I don't work on this day because I do the Sabbath on this day. I study the word and relax until 6pm. But today was different because I had WORK. The only reason I was schedule because two of my co-workers we leaving to go on vacation and one person quit so yeah there was no choice. At first I was like why they need me. It was enough people even the owner until we open the door.
   OK let me remind you it's 1 day before Mother's day. All I can say is wow. Like damm it felt like Christmas all over again with out the extra help that made it twice as hard. I sure wasn't expecting that.
   So I got in the grove as I almost mess up a transaction, I'm glad the lady caught it. That wouldn't look good at all and I would feel terrible. So things are busy left and right. I'm all jolly and talkative until this happens to me. I didn't see it coming but hey it did.
   So, let me flashback to the past real fast. I was talking to this guy like in August and we meet up but I was like naw because he was just to simple. No excitement that I need it in life and he was laid back. I think  he felt like I was too much for him. I totally agreed with him. As we decided to just be friends, we text just a view times after that but I had things I needed to get done and plus I was talking to someones else so I didn't really care. After that we never meet up again as he did text me once more time in September but I was like "Naw I don't need to be bother with him. I got things to do. He cool but he doesn't like going out so I have to pass even as a friend. Again your girl was trying to meet people that she can relate to and maybe have a relationship with as I did work and  trying to find a better job.
  After that baby daddy came down. We had a spark. We had fun and started making plans again. We wanted to wait to have another baby until we both finish school and he comes down here or figure out where we want to stay but nope that shit didn't happen. A month later I'm pregnant. I did tell this other guy I was talking to as a friend what was up as I was a little interested in him in away but I will blog about him later. he respected my decision and he said hit him up later down the line if I wanted to..blah.blah but of course I didn't. Now I might hit him up just because he is fucking real. That's probably what I liked about him. He was fucking real.  Like I said another blog for another day.

  Back to the present. I'm working and finally I get a break from customers to where I turn around and my boss was like " Ateshia can help you over here" I was like really my Nig. I need a break. Customers been coming back to back. Your girl need a break. I ain't going to lie. I rolled my eyes and turn around to see the guy I was talking in August and meet up in September.

  I was like okay I can do this. Act professional and asking him what does he need. So I did. tell me why it took me so long to do two gift certificates. Like really I think I mess up the numbers a bit but I hope and pray I didn't.
  I said hi and he said Hi and ask me how I was doing. I told him good what about you. Then of course I asked him " SO, you doing a little shopping today?" He smiled and said "no not really" Of course we chuckle a bit but I knew he ain't doing shit today but of course get his mothers day gifts which I understand. I asked him who is it to and  he said he will feel it out. I pass him the pin and paper, he said he will feel it out later. Hey I had no problem with that.

Tell you the truth he was ready to get out of there. Maybe because of my baby belly..lol...
  I sign my name and felt out the dollar amount and some how I was struggling with wrapping the little paper to gather. I was so grateful my boss was there to help. So took over as I pass her the receipt. I was happy I was done with that transaction so I can go to the next.

  Now the funny part is I'm 30 weeks pregnant and he was probably shocked and couldn't believe it. Maybe he was thinking it was by another guy but little does he knows it's by the same men I had all my kids with. Funny how that woks out since I have went out on plenty of dates but never went to far with a guy but kiss. 
  Anyways I told my girl who I work with what just happen which she couldn't believe it and laugh of course which I would have to if it was her. Told my boss which she started  busted out laughing and cool about it. She said that I did a great job of handling myself.
  Of course but I as tired as F**** as customers kept popping up left and right,

  So that's my crazy story I had today. I have to relive it again tomorrow which will be more customers coming in.

 Out of all Saturday this happens.


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