Getting things done

    Today I was trying to get my kids papers in for school. Sometimes it goes well and sometimes it doesn't. Well it went great but that tech Fee is a lot so I figure I try to apply for free lunch or reduce lunch. How funny that the school district is not accepting applications online right now. I guess I better save the money to go back up there to pay for the tech fee myself as I spent some of it.
   ( I know bad parent but I used it for some food) Anyways I still have enough just need like 30 dollars which is not to bad just in case the tech fee won't get waived. The great part I will get 10% off my tech fee since I have three kids that's going to the school. Awesome right?

    That's out the way I still have to handle some more bill problems next Monday which I hope is all clear. I'm still going to keep my faith and hope that it is all clear up with my insurances.

  Another issuse is more like money coming in. Still trying to make sure I have enough money until I go back to work and find another better job to quit this one I am at currently. I'm not going to lie, I don't make enough. I sure want to get a certificate at my JR college for the medical field. It's not cheep. I'm going to have to put in the money, time and work which I don't mind doing.
    Just to get ahead and start something new and fresh in my life and a journey.
 I'm still unsure where I'm headed but I do know Yah is taking each step with me to the right path.

  So my life might seem a little crazy and irresponsible with my actions on this journey but I'm trying and working my ass off every since I was 19 to get it right. This time, I know where I'm headed and I have more to grab to. Plus the saying is true.    "The older you get the wiser you are"


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