I can feel my headache creeping in at I'm halfway through that I want to cry. instead I'm going to suck this up and wish and pray I make it to a gas station after this. I know I should have gotten gas but I miss judge how slow I would be going because of the snow!!!!! but I will breath and not panic. I will make it and get some gas. breastpumping right now as I'm so happy to release my self from the milk. I only have one bottle :/ and I'm tired.Im glad I will have one bottle done for tomorrow but I need to invest in 2 or 3 more since I have 5 more months to go. I think she can start drinking regular milk at 1 but if not need more Bottles!!!!.
  I better go now and pray for me to make it to a gas station.  

My life My journey

ps. I will tell you the story what happen to me yesterday.


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