From yesterday

First off there are a couple of blogs I will share with you once I edit it and FINISH them : )....
   Right now I'm so unorganized that I want to cry....( not really) But I'm just doing so much that I can barely keep up with activities for my kids to my own self. I'm supposed to go to this ear ring exchange thing where we switch earrings with another person but I really don't want there used earrings not because I'm to good but I have sensitive ears. Anyways it sounds fun but my Co worker who it is for since she can get her earring out. she got there pierce ( Long story skipping it)
  We all was going to get together and exchange earing which will be fun.

  Bascially um willing to go even though I picked up that shift and have to leave to pick up my kids. I'm exhausted and I still have to CLEAN but it will get done.

  My Life My Journey


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