My crazy journey
I have been trying to post my writing of my crazy journey to somewhere but it seems to never get posted but this is one that I pray that will make it up on my blog tonight.
I turned off my lights as I looked outside my window to see the north star like a orange color. Then I found myself on Facebook as I rarely go on to see another friend request. A coworker which I don't mind.
Then it hit me. I have been through so much that I barely can see how did I do it. I had amazing coworkers that would cheer me on even though they had no idea how much stress I was going through. Trying to make sure my kids had what they needed to me having things for the baby as they surprised me with a baby shower.
At the end of 2017 to now it's hard to leave a place that is like family. Yes we might get angry at each other or misunderstanding sometimes but in the end I always like to say " Let it go don't stress it will all work out" It does in some weird way.
I know I need more hours and bascially a career but Yah will direct me when the time is right.
I have bills I need to pay off ( Get my credit right)
I just wanted to take this moment to let my readers know how crummy my job is at times, I have great coworkers (not including the new ones )
Being in Colorado is not the greatest place at times but in away it's growing on me.
Hoping that I keep going looking forward to see my career soon. I want to be in my happy place with no worries or less worries.
That's a few words for tonight.
My Journey My Life
I turned off my lights as I looked outside my window to see the north star like a orange color. Then I found myself on Facebook as I rarely go on to see another friend request. A coworker which I don't mind.
Then it hit me. I have been through so much that I barely can see how did I do it. I had amazing coworkers that would cheer me on even though they had no idea how much stress I was going through. Trying to make sure my kids had what they needed to me having things for the baby as they surprised me with a baby shower.
At the end of 2017 to now it's hard to leave a place that is like family. Yes we might get angry at each other or misunderstanding sometimes but in the end I always like to say " Let it go don't stress it will all work out" It does in some weird way.
I know I need more hours and bascially a career but Yah will direct me when the time is right.
I have bills I need to pay off ( Get my credit right)
I just wanted to take this moment to let my readers know how crummy my job is at times, I have great coworkers (not including the new ones )
Being in Colorado is not the greatest place at times but in away it's growing on me.
Hoping that I keep going looking forward to see my career soon. I want to be in my happy place with no worries or less worries.
That's a few words for tonight.
My Journey My Life
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