Its been a while

I don't know how long I have been trying to we rite something that is clear. It's like my words seems to never make it on my blog.
  My feelings seems to take over and I tell myself way bother, no one probably reads my post or maybe they do.
  Today was great but it was a day I spent with my family and let my babyboyvto his friend's house to have a play date.
  Past these couple of days at the atonement came and went, I found myself panicking.
  Yes I'm panicking about financial burden to questioning how am I'm going to make it on my own? What kind of job should I be applying to and will I be happy? Is school worth going back and spending about 1,000 in my own pocket for 17 units or more money out my pocket?
  You see I feel there is no win. Instead I cry inside secretly not letting no one now.
I act like everything is okay. I need things but I don't get them hoping I get it next payday but that never happens until 3 paychecks later hopefully.
  I'm tired of people at work but I deal with the BS as all I want to do is just walk out.
 I'm angry at myself as I'm glad I went through the atonement to talk to the most high. Asking for forgiveness.
  I'm so damp tired of the same shit. Nothing seems to make me happy. If there is I can't afford college or the field doesn't pay enough to survive. I'm stuck with what society gives me. I have to make something work. I have to give up something for things to work out.
  I'm humbled with what I have but I know sooner or later things change and I need to start getting things right before it's to late.

My Journey My Life


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