different feel today

  I know this is different from my other blog from yesterday but I can't help but not shack it off.  I have been in retail for way to long and I have bust my ass for way to long and still have nothing to show.
  I have been with a company for 2 years and 3 months and I have seen it change from better to worse. I'm unhappy but I can't seem to get the words out. I want things to change there but no one will hear. I figure keep going and things will look better for me.
  I realize I do not want to cater to people anymore. I do not want to do everything but to actually love my job or just like it at least. I want to enjoy my family and not see them for 2 hours and go to bed. I actually want a life but it is so far out of reach that I still have to bust my ass to get where I need to be.
   I'm trying my best to fix my mistakes.
Work seems to be...well I can't explain it but it's not me anymore.
  Know I'm debating about my job interview because I have no idea if I can make ends meet down the line. Is it a good investment? Or I can just settle where I am at and get a raise and be unhappy even if it pays well but remember no benefits at ALL!!!!
    I'm just that person that likes to analyze things and plan when it comes to my money.
  I have a lot to think about but some how there will be away.

My Journey My Life


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