guy friends or not

At the end of this I'm hoping to post this blog. Here we go

  The question of the day is can you have guy friends while in a relationship or more for me getting back into one that is full of hurt and trust but you still keep going?
  Tell you the truth I feel like I need a guy friend that I can joke around with or just be like don't care mood. With your BF I feel like you have to be all lovely and close and shit but I don't want to do that buy if you don't; they might feel a certain way about it as I would as well( A little bit) and then you have to care when you don't give a flying F but you keep it cool and try to make sure you talk to them.
     With a guy friend I can just relax and just speak my mind without hurting his feeling. not like he really cares anyways. plus he can give me advise on how guys think and just actually be a friend. I had plenty of guy friends which where actually cool to hang out with until my bf came around.
  Anyways I'm going to make guy friends and girls that are my friends as well. I have some I socialize with but I would like to mix it up and have fun.
   The challenge is getting them to meet my BF. Which he will start to think negative and worried but hey what you did in the past in not my fault. That's what I have to remember and keep moving in life.

   I don't have a ring on my finger

My Journey My Life


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