At this point my journey feels like it is at a stop. rediscovering myself seems to be not available at this moment. Taking care of family is on my list. As I crave a great journey and a escape to do nothing but relax. That is now nothing. It is nothing because I find myself having to survive in the world I live in. As I live in America. A dream that seems to far to even reach. I wonder about the outside world then what I live in. It will never come as things has change in2020. As that year came and gone. It is hard to remember it as it was a year of sadness.
While I dream about traveling the world. Taking on new adventure in my life. Speaking to a unknown love that I will never see. Maybe I will learn how to be happy where I am at. Why fight something that seems to be all I have at this point. No escaping. Right?
While I figure out how I am going to work with everything going on, I want to say to all my readers, breath. Go ahead and breath and grieve or whatever you need to do. This year in 2021 is shitty too.
Mask on, sanitizes out, staying social distancing, and not bale to have the human contact seems to well, wear down on people. As we all are in this together, I wish everyone just stayed home just for 2 months and we would be fine. Just go to the grocery stories and back. Do your appointments that are important and leave it at that.
Us as humans were not able to do that. the virus spread and now are lives has changed forever. My journey has change forever. I have learn, time waits for no one.
As I grow my hair out since I'm board and not able to find work that will work with me, I have to learn to use what I have until it runs out. Get by somehow until 2022. While that change much either?
The world is unknown now. I will probably won't get to Iceland or Ireland. Or travel to Europe to some part of Africa.
Now my new life is making sure I survive what is ahead. Tell you the truth, it sucks'. I already was stress out. Now, stress is just a word I am adapting to.
My Journey My Life
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