New beginning

 The new journey I'm on is something I didn't want. I'm scared and unsure. I know I might lose some on the way to this new life I'm taking on now. Unsure of my destiny from this point on. I figure, if I learn to love God, then I will understand how to love myself and I can love even more. 

  Once you know the truth. Running from it is not a option anymore. I have tried and it still some how comes back around. Once the gate is open, it's hard to close it. He got me this far, I can't turn back, run away . It's my destiny now. My mom past on the stick to me. I was lost but now I can see. I got up and I woke up. Let's see where I'm going? 

Follow  along as I pour out my love, tears, worries and more on here .

My Journey My Life


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