Can we not today!!!

 Can we not today!!!

Like for real can we not. I have to go to work today and I'm mentally and physically tired. I really don't feel like the company I work for understands what we do on the front line for the customers. I feel like my store goes beyond what is needed for customers to where we reach a breaking point. 

  October is around the corner and 30 cent raise is something but it's not enough to have to find a second job. Living in America is exhausting. Working with the public is exhausting and saving them things that they do need but it all depends if they can afford it. Then meeting the metrics for corporate and sales goals to where you feel overwhelmed. Being a leader on top of it is even more pressure and not getting paid enough to do the job that is expected. 

  Then this is when you have to take a look at your life and ask yourself  "Is this what you want to do for the next few years or until you retire?"

My journey My life


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