Oh the struggle with Breastfeeding?!#

Having to go to work, take kids to school to come back and then try to fit in breast pumping seems to be exhausting.  I only pump out 7 oz which is just for one feeding and some to make baby cereal with. I need to at least pump out 15oz just for her to make it until I come back but even then I need to feed her when I get home and try to pump.
  I guess I'm waking up in the middle of the night to pump.
 Some days I want to throw in the towel and not do it anymore but I'm still am. I just have to figure out away to get my milk down faster with a flow. Oatmeal helps a bit but I'm going to try a warm towel tomorrow.
 Beside that I have extra things I need to do and I want to be able to do them but breast milk must come first.

  I know you are probably wondering why I didn't just pump when I got home but I had to pick up my kids at day care to where we got home around 5ish
 I had to get juice for tomorrow.

 I'm tired and beat but I will be waking up around 3 or 4 to pump :(

  Goodnight and I hope you enjoy my struggle with breastfeeding


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