Another work day

Another work day as I see it as I was a little stress as some business had to be taken care of once I got in even though it should have been taken care of.  I got it done and another on my list and it felt great!!!!
  Trying to help others and dealing with customers gets exhausting. I want to go back zoo school but I have to plan it out all the way. I know for sure I need to get a job with benefits but I might have to get a certificate in MA and work my way up to Midwife which I know it will be a long journey. I better start soon. Time flies by fast. Before I know it my oldest will be 16 and I will just be starting school. I sure don't want to do that. I want it to be more of mommy is graduating!!!!

  Okay enough of my dreams and make it a reality. Just need to choose a school.

  Basically work was work. Tired towards the end of day. Wanting more but being patient until I get things going.
   I miss my babies today but tomorrow I will spend time with them since I have no work. Sadly so they do have a Dental appointment which I hope they have no cavities but I doubt it but I really hope not.

   Almost 9 at night I'm ready to call it a night but I can't yet. : (

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