Here is am..10 years
Life can take us to parts where we never want to explore it but end up doing it some how.
I had everything planned out from when I was 8 years old. I guess you can thank TV for that since I loved to watch romance movies. Anyways I figure by the time I'm 22 I will be married to finish college at 25 and then start a family.
Of course that didn't work out. It's not because Yah had another planned for me but I didn't listen to him.
So here I am 10 years later working at a small shop, with 4 kids living in my parents house. Trying to get everything right for once and not struggle like this ever again.
One thing I never thought would happen was the father of my kids would stop calling. It's been about 7 days if you count today. I know people have life's and they are busy but I don't see it like that.
I don't like when he complains about not seeing them( which we face time) When I call you are to busy or you are here. Seeing family and then hanging with his friend.
I'm like okay that's cool but I wanted to establish child support with him but now how things are going I feel like I need to take a step back.
Trying to get my life back on track to figuring out myself I'm all out of caring about things that are little.
Raising 4 kids is not easy. Taking a breather is not easy. Trying to work around the kids so I will be present more is a challenge as I need to work to build a better foundation for us.
Doing it alone with out a partner sucks but having family there to have your back is great!!!
I'm still working on getting where I need to with my journey but along the way I will pass some people by and drop some. It's okay because life goes on and your plan never works out all the time but Yah always has a back up plan when you mess up. : )
My Journey My Life
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