Just a few words

  I woke up on this beautiful day to only keep going on a journey I have no idea where I am going. Today is the last day of Tabernacle. Maybe next time we can go camp out for the whole 8 days. Plus a cabin on the side with family. Over the past few days I have been stress out and worried but then I remember give it all to the most high, plus just change the things I can. Life is to short. Today I am going to enjoy every kid of mines.
    After the feast is over I will be trying to apply to different jobs for part-time. Maybe the hotel job I might get we shall see on Wednesday.  It is the holidays and it's time to pick up a extra money to get things done and give gifts. I also need to plan out the feast of dedication since my mom said I will be cooking. So every meal for me have to be prep before it gets closer to the date which is in December.

   There is going to be a lot of plaining and whining so sorry. I'm going to grab my leftover dunkin donut and some tea as fall is here and the flue is out roaming around.

My Journey My Life  


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