Life changes

I haven't been on here for a minute but trying to as my life is changing everyday. Let me tell you one thing. I have been trying to apply to unemployment since Wednesday. Where I live you have 24 hours to get it in or it's all gone and have to restart. Well let me tell you. If the system keeps shutting you down and can't move forward then guess what I have to start back over!!!!! This is in CO.
  Dealing with that I have to wait and hope I can move on with the last step I have and I will be done.
   Besides that stress and others I have been trying to figure out what to do everyday with my kids. Cooking for them is another thing. It's not just a easy breakfast or dinner but lunch to. As well I am here everyday now since my job closed its doors.
  With all that is going on I cant go out with the kids that much so instead we stay in are area....ride their bikes or play in front. The sun finally came out and the snow is gone.
 Trying to clean and keep up with house duties is exhausting but it has to get done.
  I'm hopping to get at least some pay from my employer so I can pay rent and we shall see about food and some clothes for the kids. Probably food.
   I'm happy that everyone is happy and we all are doing great. I'm tired which reminds me I need some more coffee.

  I did make me a smoothie but now coffee

My Journey My Life


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