The real reason no one works?!


    At this point I have been exhausted. Looking for work where I might not get the job because I didn't pass the assessment to the hours don't work for me, being a single mom. I just don't meet the qualifications. But the HUGE one out of everything is the Covid-19 vaccine. That is playing a huge role where people are leaving jobs and trying to find one that can support them or family.

  The government or news cast want to say people don't want to work. They are lazy or got use to the stimulus check. No honey, we are not able to find jobs because of the Covid-19 vaccine mandate. It is against my culture and my believes. You want me to trust you after what happen in history over the years. No honey, the past does repeat itself. I understand what you are trying to do. 

  Not like you are going to pay my medical bill if the shot goes wrong. I want people who can't get it be able to still get a job. Still have their rights and not be taken away from them. If I get it, I will be going against my culture and my believes. 

  I'm going to cry every night. Wondering how I'm going to make it. How society had failed its people. Still with the same old bullshit with the government. At least I knew what I was dealing with as trump was in office. 

  Did it get better once he left? Well, can't find a job that pays well, can't afford to live as my dad is helping but he will stop soon. Can't afford to live. How is this America?

  We have job shortage because of money reasons (minimum wage does not pay the bills), mandates for vaccines and job security. 

As I battle to keep my rights, to keep my peace of mind, I'm also trying to stand with the people that don't want the shot. For their own personal reasons. 

  either way, that 666 chip is not going to be in my right hand.

  I want to make it to heaven. Remember, this world is only temporary, heaven is forever.

I'm alone now, and now I have to adapt.

My Journey My Life 


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