Working less hours but 5 days? (Minimum wage)
Hello my fellow readers as I have been MIA for a while. I have been struggling with cost of living depression. I have no idea what to call it so I am calling it that. Surving in America is exhausting that anyone that is on the outside looking in has no idea.
With 4 kids and trying to make things work with the kids father. ( I mean as a roommate) Everyone is trying to survive some how. We will get to that later in another blog about looking for a place in America later.
This blog I'm going to address minimum wage. Like is there really a such thing as minimum wage? Maybe so but to me it is like low wage to minimum to high. There is totally different levels to it. One place might get paid 12 over here to another one 9 plus tips ( like fuck no) and then you have 13-20 wages. That last one I just wrote is the one everyone is trying to figure out if it's really enough. Maybe work a second job to make ends meet or just be able to get into a apartment.
Surviving America seems to be exhausting task. You can still be educated and struggle.
How are we as Americans going to fix this?
Do we trust the people that are in office? Are we going to collapse to where we need someone to save us?
The future doesn't look that bright for us as the prices keep rising.
Changing jobs is not ideal for me but I took what I thought would be a good fit as I figure I make more money as I get 40 hours. So, I thought I was guaranteed but I wasn't. Instead as I learn something new, trying to make ends meet. I found one that would give me 2 dollars more. I'm going to take it because it gives me some break financially. I can't afford to wait on a company to decide if they are going to hype of the pay a little bit more but no advancement, I rather pass.
I believe some of us have to decide if you need to find another job to make ends meet to leave another one. Most of us take a job just because we need a job until we find one that actually pays.
One thing that pisses me off about working for companies is when they set your hours and have you work 5 days but only making 30 hours or 34 hours a week. I notice that past these couple of weeks as I work for my company.
what, they think I'm blind to the fact that my hours are not close to 40 as I work 5 days? That's why I don't blame anyone leaving a job for something that they are looking for that fits them. Sometimes you might have to compromise on somethings but not all.
Us as workers I feel we have a choice to except the low pay or go for a higher pay. If someone is willing to offer you a higher pay and you don't mind doing the work, then go for it, If you don't, then someone else will.
We all are trying to make it.
Reading a article I found on the google news about how minimum wage should be 27 an hour. It all makes since if are people we trust in office kept up with it. Maybe us as a people saw how they change everything and could have spoken up about it before we got to this point in are lives. Now are kids futures seems to be very shaky.
Seems like the world is changing fast. Keeping up feels impossible.
we all are trying to survive.
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