change it up...healthy foods?

 Hello my fellow readers. Its past midnight here and I miss blogging yesterday. I was doing so great, but I found myself trying to take in every moment and spend time with my kids to myself to watch a show on my phone. 

  Time was getting ahead of me with different events yesterday.

So, I couldn't go to sleep as my mind wonders on how I'm going to plan things in the next weeks. Will I get it all done is the question. 

  I was thinking about changing the way I eat. More plant foods then meat. I'm not going to front; meat is expensive and trying to stretch the dollar has been a challenge. This month I'm going to focused on eating more plant base foods. I will share it with you on here. Post some pictures and maybe even some recipes. Life is hard at this time, but my health is important. 

  I bought some soda, but I didn't drink it. which I am proud of myself. I'm changing things up as I still drink my coffee to tea. Lemonade and some juices. 

  I even made some homemade black beans. They came out pretty good and it wants me to keep going to trying different things I can make that is healthy and prep more. Life is short and I would learn how to try different foods that will be healthier for my family.

Wish my luck on this health living this month. I want to try something different so here we go.

My Journey My Life 


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