Fighting l...poetry

I was fighting for closure but I never got it. I wanted answers but they didn't make since. I learn people leave for only for you to realize how shity they were to you.
   I'm learning to not care for people who didn't care for me. Who took my kindness for weakness. I learn praying is my best weapon. Now I get to hear how little you suffer as there is more to come. I will not feel sorry for you when you ask me for help. You will learn that your greatest mistake was leaving people who loved you.
   Now you cant hurt the ones who use to love you.
   I'm growing and learning
I might not understand fully but I know there is something else for me on this long journey.
   I'm not sorry I love Yah, he never let me down. He was there when I cried all night even when you said you would never leave me.
  He provided when I felt lost. He was always there and I'm so grateful.
  Don't be mad when you come along and no one cares if you are there.
  No one call you because you always left
When you grow old and you wonder what happen...look yourself in the mirror. There you see selfishness.

My Journey My Life


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