Hello my fellow readers. It's Saturday and I hope everything is going well. I'm going to talk about something different on this blog. As you know I'm trying to get things done. Make things happen before January is over.
I have been trying to figure out what I want as I check off my list of things I have done, and the month really just started. One I cannot mark off yet. waiting for a job to say yes so, I can make more plans for February.
First things is love. I have learned to love myself more past these couple of months. Now 2022 is here, I have learned to let go of things I cannot change and smile at the new beginning I'm about to explore.
I would be lying if I said I was not terrified but I am. The unknown scares me as I try to still learn who I am.
As I battle this month out as I try to make sure everything counts this month, I'm going to try and remember to smile. Love and not give up because after January I have 9months left.
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