need to get some truth off my chest.

I have reach a down point today. Out of all days I have reach a down point where I feel so alone. Like no one really want to tell you the whole truth about pregancy and doing it yourself really sucks. Like for me as I'm unsure if anyone esle feels the same but this is my story and what I'm going through.
  First off finding out I was pregant the 4th time...I literally cried for a few minutes and then took out the trash. Once I looked up in the sky I saw a glow to it. Like a rough d glow that was some way colorful and amazing that I just new this was it. I was having a baby even if I wasn't  ready. Even if the father was there or not...I was

  2nd having to tell my parents sucked just because I have been trying to better my life and get on the right track with certain things that it put a little stop to it. Of course they were disappointed but what esle can i do. I did the deed and now this is the price I pay.

Last I have to deliver my baby with my mom support and maybe my co-worker Maddy that might be able to be there because I'm sure she will have work which is fine
 I know she will come back to the hospital but what I plan in my life has done a 360 that I'm finally stuck.   I'm tired and exhausted that all I want to do is lay in bed all day but I can't. I have to pick my own self up. No one to hold my hand or tell me I can do this but myself.

  the truth hurts deeper inside then out.


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