I found myself slipping out of my passion of writing as I can barely finish a blog. I will be surprise if I finish this one. As my sleep is off with a newborn baby to watching shows that I never thought about watching or even care to watch, I finally realize I have been watching more TV then I have ever since I moved away from Cali.
It's like I'm slipping in a trans that I am trying to wake up from. I am fighting to get my passion back as I worry about grown up problems which I realize nothing is going to change over night. Setting plans that seems so distant to me. Doing the same routine everyday it feels that I have to do something. Working out seems a better option then stressing out about things I can't change. It even sucks sometimes as I have basically no one to talk to about my issues or problems I might be having. I'm sure NOT having the babies blues. I barely want to leave her with my mom as I want to bound with her as much as possible.
It's all about having to go back to work or even finding a new job to school that I can get a certififcate in something as I still go to school to finish my AS and then there is life. Life is more of moving out of my parents house ( When?) To settling down with a amazing guy ( Who is that anyways) to finding a meaning in life ( I might be searching for a while). Life have brought me things that I never thought I would have nor want so far in life.
Now seeing where I am at in life, I have to figure out this writting thing or just move on from it. Tell my short stories online as I'm unsure if anyone will read them or even comment on how amazing they are.
I don't know but I better get going as I might not post this blog if I don't. Motherhood is calling.
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