Today take the time to feel another way

It's only 9am in the morning as it feels like it's noon. My day have started at 5am this morning as I went back to sleep to only wake up 2 hours later. Watching the news as I see things unfolding around the world. Sadden my heart as terrible things happen around the world.
  I found myself deeper in the word as I try to soak as much as I can in. Before someone take away my right to know the truth. To know the most high. I am grateful to be here and still able to do what I can for my family.

  So today I will laugh
Today I will cry
Today I will show my children how to have fun
Today I will splash water around the backyard
Today I will not be selfish( As much as I can)
Today I will love

 To my eyes are open more then I ever thought. Take the time to just be grateful for what you have and not feel angry but happiness.


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