my day

Nothing can prepare you for motherhood or fatherhood, especially doing it by yourself.
  Everyday seems to be challenging as different thing pop up. Waking up in the middle of the night to feed and diaper change seems to wear down on me.
  The kids going to school and picking up at different times to only rush home and feed babygirl, I want to cry.
  I almost f I rg I t to make my kids lunch tonight as I only have to make one sandwich tomorrow. Breading my daughters hair fast so tomorrow I tf will be easy to do her hair. Plus the baby was crying wanting to eat again.
 I was glad I didn't have to cook. Tomorrow I will which I have to start early.
 Just so much that I do want a break for a hour but I won't last that long.
  My mother is getting on my nerves as I know she thinks once I get the breastpump I will be leaving babygirl home more but no. She needs to go out too.
  Only getting a breastpump for work really.
I'm just tired and hope I get a few things d one.


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