A few minutes

I have a few minutes to just vent on this sunny day of Colorado. See there I said it. I live in colorado where you get four seasons. I have been whinning about living her every since I have arrived.
 Living here is way different then Cali that I wish I visited the beach more often.
 I never new I would be here at this point in my life sitting in a car waiting for my kids and have a new born baby with no career. Like I have not picked a career over 10 years...well just ten years.
 Thinking about my life choices has been a real life opener. I have misjudge what I could do. I have been trying to make a family that is not able to me rebuild and my life has became flip up all around making the same stupid mistakes. I could barely date when I was single with three kids. Now...DANG I'm still single because I have put my father's kids on pause and told myself the Fucking truth.
  " You are a single mom. You do everything and your parents."
  That's another blog for another day about being single with four kids.

  But why complain right. Yeah I shouldn't but I wish oh I wish someone could have told me how hard it would be. ( Not my parents  because who listen to there parents anyways?)

  My life...My Journey  : )


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