Breast pumping

   As I go to work tomorrow some how I'm stressing over pumping.
  I've been trying to pump as much out as I can to freeze it to only realizing I need to go to the store to by bags which I will. Only having a limited of money I can't wait to call the lady back from the new job I got to do orientation. Am I terrified? Yes but not with working there but enough milk for my little one while I'm gone overnight. To only go back to work in a hour and home in 4 hours.

  Breast pumping makes me wonder if I will be able to pump enough out. I know I will have to drop one of my jobs but I wanted to do it towards the end of the month.

  I will have to wait and see but it might be doing it in the middle of November.
 Going on this new road and trying to figure out what best fits me and my children has not been easy but working to jobs sounds crazy buy I'm working to get towards something. College is around the corner but I will have to drop a job for sure which will be the day job. Overnight should work better for me.
  Wish me luck with this new adventure I will be on and trying to get things back on track.
  Am I tired? Yes as I'm running around from Monday to Friday. Is it all worth it? Yes it will be.

 My Journey My Life


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