Fall is here

Fall is here clear as day as much crazy kids run out there to play as the leafs fall. Excitement hits my face as the enjoyment of leafs swirling in the wind pickup up speed to only fall on the green grass and everywhere else.
  Snow will be near as I'm not so thrilled about it just because I will have to drive in it. But watching it fall and staying in as the fire burns, I will be able to jump right out there once the ground is full of snow. Snowball fights to making angles, I found myself right at this moment t laughing at my kids as the wind picks up and leafs blow. They are the only kids on the block outside excited to play as they might just catch a sniffle.
 I'm letting them be kids as they will remember the leafs fall to spending around to the coldness on there nose as they make loud noise.  Excitement in the air half dress with a long sleeve and pants.  make just two with a jacket. They are happy and full of smiles that I know they will never forget this day as they will tell the story later on in there life once they are all grown up.


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