Might be TMI but start labour early?

 I know this might be TMI but I have been searching online and YouTube for about a hour ( which by the way I have been inpatient lately.)
  It's about inducing your labor naturally then having the hospital do it. Well I found everything interesting but the sex part I'm just like.....that won't work for me. My partner is far away and plus what if the baby daddy is not in the picture then you are just there to figure out how to induce labor on your own while other ladies have a sex partner.
  Don't get me wrong sex does work I believe but I'm going to have to take another rout this time.
  I wish there were more single ladies that are pregant talk about how there labor started. Like naturally or did she needed to get induce by the hospital.

  Well being 37 weeks about to be 38 weeks on Tuesday I'm going to try walking and moving around more then I have.
  Second I'm going to try dancing. That moves everything and third I'm going to repeat as I know me walking helps as I get these sharp pains in my pelvic that is dilating my cervix or whatever you call it.
  Inside my doctor said it's soft but only 1 cinemeter which helps to know I need to start moving along if I want my body to naturally do it on its own.

  Yeah I can stick some type of oil up my Vagina... ( I forgot what pill they call it) But my cervix is soft.
  Walking and doing my last minute errands will help get things started I believe.  Trying my hardest to avoid being induce.

  Oh yeah spicy food can help. I mean like hot spicy food as I accidentally put more red pepper  on my fried rice then I attended to. It was supper hot to where I drank two glass of lemonade and water on top of that. I felt sharp pains later in the night. It started to smooth everything out. That was 4 or 5 days ago.

  I hope this help single pregant ladies or just help. I will keep u updated if any of this helps me start my labor.


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